Cultivating Unwavering Faith

All the magic you need

I think we sometimes forget how important unwavering faith is in pursuing our dreams.

I remember last year I was watching the Kanye West documentary, witnessing all the problems and obstacles he faced on his path to success and one thing became abundantly clear: his unwavering belief in himself. I marveled at his relentless determination and the immense obstacles he faced along his journey.

It made me reflect on how the universe and our spirit guides must perceive us in similar ways. From their vantage point, they see the bigger picture, knowing that despite the challenges and setbacks we encounter, we are destined to reach our true potential. We may get shaken and disheartened by the hurdles before us, but deep down, we are bound for greatness.

Each obstacle Kanye confronted only fueled his determination to become the successful superstar he was meant to be. It served as a powerful reminder that with a steadfast belief in ourselves and unwavering commitment, we too can overcome any challenge and realize our dreams.

That's the level of faith you need to have in your dreams—unwavering and unshakable. Believe in yourself to your core, my friend.

Just recently, someone close to me expressed how they didn't have unwavering faith in me, which is really what sparked this whole newsletter this week. It triggered me so much! Because they know me pretty well, they see some of the things I'm doing, but at the end of the day, they aren't me. They don't have the exact same set of experiences as I do to share the same perspective. They don't have the same goals that I do, nor have they achieved the goals I've laid out for myself.

It made me recommit to unwavering faith in myself because I can't expect it from anyone else, especially when they don't even have unwavering faith in their own dreams. You can't expect anyone else to help you carry the belief in yourself but you. Jay Z rapped in one his songs, “My uncle said I’d never sell a million records. I sold a million records like a million times.” Watch a clip of the Jay Z interview here. So don’t let someone else’s lack of faith dictate your own.

So, how do we cultivate unwavering faith? Allow me to share a simple framework with you:

Step 1: Reflect on your desires and commitment. Recognize that your dreams are worth pursuing and that they already exist within you. Embrace the hardships as a valuable part of your unique story.

Step 2: Gain certainty and belief in your success. Draw inspiration from movies and documentaries where successful individuals overcome turmoil and achieve wealth. Internalize the knowledge that success is possible for you too. Cultivate unwavering faith in your dreams and in yourself.

Step 3: Address self-doubt and hesitation. Explore the reasons behind your lack of faith or belief in yourself. Identify any areas where you've abandoned yourself, failed to show up, lacked clarity, or doubted your chosen path. Remember that these factors can be overcome with intentional effort.

Step 4: Show up and build trust in yourself. Take consistent action aligned with your desires and goals. Allow yourself to pivot if you feel stagnant or unsatisfied. Writing can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and clarity. Grab a pen and paper, release the mental clutter, and discover what truly matters to you.

Step 5: Embrace patience and experience. Understand that clarity and direction often come with time and experience. Be patient with yourself as you navigate the journey toward unwavering faith. Embrace the lessons and growth that challenges bring along the way.

So, my fellow goddess, embrace the power of unwavering faith. Reduce stress and anxiety, reclaim your hope and motivation, and step into a life of authenticity and fulfillment. Believe in yourself, and others will follow suit. Let your unwavering faith be the guiding light that leads you to the extraordinary life that awaits.

With love and unwavering faith,
