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- DIY: Design Your Dream Career or Others Will Do It For You
DIY: Design Your Dream Career or Others Will Do It For You
Have you ever felt like you were interested in too many things? Like you had too many passions to pursue and didn’t know where to start?
You may be a multipotentialist like me. Multipotentialites are individuals who have multiple interests and excel at idea synthesis, rapid learning, and adaptability.
One of the biggest challenges for multipotentialites, and honestly, for a lot of others, is designing our careers. Unlike some who have a clear-cut path, we have to create our own.
Most Americans will spend up to a third of their lives working, so it seems worth the time and effort to make our careers enjoyable.
The key is to look for the underlying themes and patterns and, most importantly, to find your “why“.
As a kid, I wanted to be everything from an anesthesiologist to an actress to a judge. Then once I graduated from engineering college, I knew engineering wasn’t it anymore, and I started taking time to get to know myself.
Since then, I’ve been an engineer, influencer, photographer, model, coach, and consultant, and I’m currently working on an app. I know that within the next 10-15 years, I also want to write a book, launch a lifestyle brand, host a show, and open a snow cone shop in Hawaii. And there’s nothing wrong with that!
D.I.Y. Your Career
To design my career with all my different interests, I studied Ikigai and The Zone of Genius. Ikigai is a Japanese term for “a reason for being” or life purpose. The Zone of Genius is the space where our passions, talents, skills, and values intersect. When we spend as much of our time there as we can, we create greater fulfillment and success in our personal and professional lives.
To identify your Zone of Genius consider these four areas:
Passion: What could you do for free all night if someone let you?
Talent: What gifts do you naturally possess? If you’re having trouble ask a friend or family member who knows you well to write a list of what they think you’re good at.
Skills: What skills have you learned on your journey? These are things that often require training and repetition to learn.
Values: What matters to you more than money, and why?
Here’s mine for an example:
As a creative, I’m passionate about anything related to the creative process, self-improvement, spirituality, and talking about femininity. My eye for beauty, creativity, charisma, optimism, and adaptability are some of my gifts. I possess skills in content creation, marketing, fashion, networking, photography, problem-solving, and AI content development.
While money is important, what matters to me more is happiness and freedom. I believe in doing things that light me up and inspiring others to do the same. By tapping into my Zone of Genius, I’m able to be of service to the world with ease.
If you’d like to dig deeper into these ideas, I recommend checking out Gay Hendrick’s book The Big Leap and Elaine Welteroth’s Masterclass on Designing Your Career. They really helped me when I was still trying to get an understanding of where I was headed.
Remember, finding and following your purpose is a lifelong journey, but a fulfilling one. Embrace your interests, discover your why, and design your career.
With Love,