Embrace the Art of Audacity

It's time to shine your light

Hey creative souls!

The fear of sharing our work with others holds us back from realizing our full potential.

Picture this: you've poured your heart and soul into a project, spent countless hours honing your skills, and refining your craft. But what good is all that effort if you keep your creations hidden away? Sharing your work is the crucial final step in the creative process. It's the catalyst that sharpens your tools, builds your confidence, and fuels your growth as an artist.

We often wait for others to validate our gifts and talents, but it's time to shift that mindset. Instead of saying, "I'm not [insert your aspiration] because they didn't tell me I was," reframe it to "I am [insert your aspiration], but they just don't realize it yet." You hold the power to define who you are, and others will follow suit.

If you need a guarantee you're going to win before you begin, you'll never start.

Seth Godwin- The Practice

We become attached to the outcome, fearing rejection or criticism. But remember, it's the process that truly matters. As Seth Godin wisely said in his book "The Practice," "If you need a guarantee you're going to win before you begin, you'll never start." Trust the process, embrace generosity and intent in your work, and accept every outcome, good or bad.

Perhaps you worry about consistency or need more validation. Well, darling, find the audacity within you! It can’t come from anywhere else.

Perfectionism is another common roadblock, but remember, done is better than perfect. And as for the fear of your audience liking it, there's only one way to find out—put it out there and let them decide.

The world won't end if your content or art doesn't soar to great heights. The danger is often exaggerated in our minds. And guess what? Your work will never be "good enough" if you don't practice sharing it. Embrace vulnerability and let your creations fly.

I vividly recall the anxiety that preceded my early social media posts. But over time, I had to trust my instincts and release my creations into the wild. I realized that they were extensions of me—products of my creative process. And keeping them to myself would be selfish. How can anyone support you if they don't know what you're doing? By sharing, you gain confidence, experience, and eventually, a tribe of supporters who believe in your art.

So, here's a framework to help you on your journey of sharing:

  1. Mindset:

    • Dive into your inner work. What stories are you telling yourself that hinder sharing your work? How are they lies? Craft a new story of empowerment.

    • Embrace affirmations that reinforce your belief in the value of sharing.

  2. Commitment:

    • Write down your commitment on paper, sign it, and place it where you'll see it often. Make it tangible and real.

  3. Casual Conversations:

    • Start by talking about your work casually with others. You don't have to shout it from the rooftops initially, but commit to sharing your work with someone new every week. Baby steps count!

  4. Social Media Showcase:

    • Post your creations on social media.

    • Post it and go. Don't obsessively check for reactions.

    • Turn off notifications to free yourself from attachment to the outcome.

Remember, the world is waiting to experience your brilliance. Trust in the process, embrace vulnerability, and share your unique gifts with the world.

Success, wealth, confidence, freedom, and a world of opportunities await those who have the courage to step into their artistic power.

With love and creativity,
